Update - Still Here
Ugh. I’ve been through so much recently and haven’t had a chance to update this page.
The good news?
I’ve continued posting and commenting on other platforms and I’ll easily be able to add details from the past 6 months.
This whole process is exhausting.
Incidentally, I was supposed to be testifying against my former doctor/therapist/psychologist in 2 days - but the courts decided otherwise.
Rescheduling is traumatic - I had planned so much around experience this for months: told my kids I needed harmony and calm (so difficult for 2 boys (11&4); blocked off 10 days to decompress and not add stress. I have CPTSD - my mental health is finally becoming a priority of mine.
Just another oversight when dealing with trauma victims…
We need protection.
How common are unethical Boundaries?
In the past week, I’ve had conversations with two people in my own circle
In the past week, I’ve had conversations with two people in my own circle who’ve had experiences of boundary violations…
(...It makes me cringe wondering what other victims have endured in silence).
One was a dear friend who’s pastor groomed her while she was in recovery. When she came forward, the church stood by the perpetrator and she was the one who was ostracized…This also led her to relapse.
Another friend was casually sharing details of his work situation and the arrangement he has with his boss and as he joked that it may be a matter of unethical boundaries, he paused.
It probably is, he realized…
I’m beginning to see power dynamics everywhere and the places predators have a chance of finding available prey.
Power structures are set up to never change. It just makes sense right? Favor the few at the expense of the many. While I type this, Putin is invading a peaceful country. It’s brutal and only about power.
Thank goodness for leaders and heroes like President Zelensky - they know how to push back.
Narcissists feel entitled to everything at your expense and offer nothing in return - just empty promises and illusions of cooperation.
I feel compelled to talk about abuse to everyone now. It’s an intimate conversation and I’ve appreciated how me being vulnerable allows others permission to open up 🦋
So glad I have this blog now. A lot of the content I want to share doesn’t belong on other social media sites. At least for now.
This seems like a great place to do brain dumps and see how far I come over time.
I feel stronger. I wake up excited about the future some days.
Isolation kept me from healing. Time to connect and grow together ❤️🩹
Standing in my truth
Standing in my truth.
I did it. I shared my story. I can’t believe after so many years of silence and isolation, I can now bravely stand in my truth - publicly.
It’s been a few days and the response so far on Facebook (that’s where I posted the first blog post) has been very supportive and loving ❤️
Messages that remind me that I’m not alone, that the shame won’t kill me, and that I’ve come such a long way in the past year. I wouldn’t have been able to type this out on my phone a year ago; my hands would have been trembling way too much (my hands still get cold from the CPTSD but it isn’t unbearable any longer).
I’ve create what I believe will be the logo for this site. It’s definitely a work in progress but I want to get started - not wait til everything’s perfect.
The details will sort themselves out.
It feels great to have a space to share my thoughts!!
I did it 🥳
My goal is to heal my own wounds and then bring that strength and knowledge to other potential victims. This is a kind and compassionate space. I have endured more abuse in my life than any soul should…abusive behaviors of any kind will not be tolerated ❤️
Can’t wait to connect with other humans. And if you’re reading this and not sure about reaching out, that’s okay. Just know that you aren’t alone and if you’ve been violated by your therapist, doctor, priest or other trusted professional - we see you ❤️
And we’re stronger together.
Hello; Welcome…
I can’t keep it in any longer…I was abused by my therapist
I can’t keep it in any longer…I’m scared and don’t trust that I will be protected.
If reading this changes how you see me - then so be it. It’s been overwhelming keeping it in.
Silence helps no one…so here goes…deep breaths…
I’m the victim of Therapy Abuse and I’m being cyberstalked.
In 2014 I sought therapy for childhood abuse/abandonment. After disclosing feelings of Transference (a common occurrence where a patient projects onto their therapist - meant to be beneficial) this doctor very quickly began grooming me, terminated therapy and ended up abusing and exploiting me on and off for 7 years. He ruined my family.
As an abuse victim - it’s very easy to believe it’s all your fault. It wasn’t. He tried everything he could to keep me quiet - to protect him (even weaponizing his children because he KNOWS I adore children) but the stronger I became, the more I recognized the patterns of his abuse and started realizing I likely wasn’t his only victim.
I reached out for help in March 2021 - the experts at TELL (Therapy abuse exploitation links) I spoke with confirmed what I had been through and suggested I read the book “Psychopath Free”…I highlighted the entire book They use a script - lovebomb, trauma bond, idealize, devalue, discard…I remember being almost offended at how not surprised they were about my case - I was sure I wouldn’t be believed and yet they did immediately - that was shocking and comforting. I went through 3 weeks of intense physical shock.
Therapy abuse is also known as:
Soul Murder
Professional Incest/Rape
It’s akin to a child-adult relationship - there can be NO CONSENT. The power inbalance is too great.
I filed a complaint with the state licensing board in May, 2021 after reaching out to abuse and therapy abuse groups. When he found out it was me, he had his wife harass, threaten, intimidate me into not testifying I’m quite sure it was all him except for the voicemails…but he’s too smart to involve himself in this - he’ll use someone else.
It was frightening and I had a cease and desist letter sent in August, 2021.
But he doesn’t care. He’s currently being investigated, has been warned the police have been involved and I’m quite certain even a PFA (Protection from Abuse/Restraining Order) won’t stop him anyway.
But he’s STILL on my website.
Every time I tried to end things over the years, he’d create fake email account with multiple aliases. I COULDNT escape him. If I tried to end things on good terms, he would cause the most amount of chaos.
I have dozens of blocked emails over the years. I could never reply. He’d deactivate the account before I could…
It is trauma on top of trauma.
I’ve had seizures from the stress. Severe PTSD. I have spent so much time speaking with other victims and survivors of Therapy Abuse, Domestic Violence and Narcissistic Abuse. The confusion and brain fog are common - how can you believe someone who claims to have adored you was actually intentionally destroying your brain and nervous system?
And not just any “someone” - your DOCTOR.
I know I’m not alone - that’s why I can’t keep quiet.
I’m posting this publicly now because I worry he may prevent me from sharing my story. He’s a predator that needs to be stopped.
And I completely agree with this statement - having to tell my story over and over to people who just don’t understand is excruciating. So I’m just not doing it when I can avoid it. I have barely any energy - I intend to preserve it for helping other victims.
Many people closest to me have asked whether I’m aware of other victims - it’s been rather hard to begin that search without recognizing that I would have to go public myself…and that’s not an easy decision to make.
I felt so much shame. I don’t want to be judged on top of all the abuse I’ve suffered through.
But staying quiet was literally killing me.
Please reach out if you’ve been through anything similar. It’s a very lonely place to be